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Jeff Sanders Monthly Membership
El Gato - PRE stalion
Gato's first lesson (4:23)
Lesson number two - 1st part (13:51)
Lesson number two - 2nd part (8:31)
3rd session (13:03)
4th session - 1st part (9:50)
4th session - 2nd part (13:32)
1st time working with him tied (11:17)
Getting him used to being touched (16:01)
Getting him used to more stuff (18:06)
First lounging (4:42)
More work getting him used to the rope (14:31)
Taking the lead rope off (11:22)
More connection free and roping him (10:45)
More work with Gato roped (12:45)
Picking up his feet (21:09)
Picking up his feet part 2 (15:09)
Using the rope to build trust (18:28)
hobbling, shoulder in (10:57)
First saddling (18:08)
Ponying lesson for Gato (6:00)
Lounging from horseback (8:26)
Ground work before another saddling (7:37)
Another saddling 1.part (11:30)
Another saddling part 2 (9:43)
Test - trimming without halter (3:32)
Ponying Gato with saddle (8:17)
Advanced ponying, groundwork (5:16)
First rides - day 1 (13:16)
Day two, third ride (7:47)
Day two forth ride (6:36)
Day three ride five (9:43)
Day three ride number six (17:29)
Gato ride with no other horse (16:59)
Riding with Carlos (8:27)
Ride with ground help (17:08)
Gato in the snow (13:50)
Gato Ride 1 back in Spain (6:39)
Hackamore lessons
Leading with the hackamore and problems with rope shanking (13:39)
Lunging in the hackamore (8:48)
Giving to the rein (20:27)
Ponying with the hackamore (10:58)
Headstalls (7:25)
Nerve Buttons (5:03)
Snaffle bit (8:11)
Rein handeling (6:48)
Purpose of the browband headstall (4:52)
Rein chains (9:28)
Using a training stick (7:01)
1/2" versus 5/8" hackamore (6:12)
An introduction to bits (15:24)
Spurs (9:42)
How to connect the Fiador (6:28)
How the hackamore communicates with the horse (21:12)
Using the stick (7:45)
Rein balance (4:57)
Alamar knot (12:03)
Alamar knot - how to tie (7:29)
Rein connectors (5:05)
How to make rein connectors (12:35)
Bit signals (23:21)
More fiador info (9:38)
5/8 hackamore and horse size (11:02)
Cordoba Spain lesson reviews
Garrocha lesson at the Royal School (9:20)
Cordoba half pass/travasale (7:47)
Balance of the horse and rider (7:35)
Rollback (11:46)
Garrocha basics (17:29)
Biomechanics of bending (15:29)
California Bridle Horse Newsletters
Saddles and gear, newsletter 1
Training tips and Q and A, newsletter 2
Flying changes and calf branding, newsletter 3
Speed control and history, newsletter 4
Hand position and the flat hat, newsletter 5
Awareness and riding one handed, newsletter 6
Positive reinforcement and the alamar knot, newsletter 7
Spooking and Ray Ordway, newsletter 8
Legs, spurs and la garrocha, newsletter 9
Backing a circle and straightness, newsletter 10
The horses mind and botas, newsletter 11
The horses mind and herd dynamics, newsletter 12
Vaquero history, newsletter 13
Learning models and romal reins, newsletter 14
Fear, panic and saddles, newsletter 15
Hobble training and the get down rope, newsletter 16
Fixing hyper flexion and California style saddles, newsletter 17
The bridle horse and California ring bits, newsletter 18
Groundwork in the hackamore, newsletter 19
Shaping and fitting the hackamore, newsletter 20
Weight placement and piaffe, newsletter 21
Choosing the right instructor, newsletter 22
Doubling and the hackamore nose button, newsletter 23
One hand on the bridle reins, newsletter 24
Shoulders out and control, newsletter 25
Do not go wide with your hands, newsletter 26
Body maintenance and stretching (15:31)
Mouth conformation and bit choice (18:54)
Cow work
Using side movements on cows (4:00)
Speed control, side movements on cows 2 (4:45)
Lola learning cow work (2:32)
Roping in Czech (5:21)
Ground work
Rollback (14:10)
Shoulder in from the ground (9:06)
Ground work getting horse to heel (6:29)
Clinic highlights
Classically trained horse 2nd day in the hackamore (4:42)
Just for fun
Sidepass a log trot and canter (3:25)
First time with the bullfighting cart (3:26)
Teach online with
More work with Gato roped
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